Across over ten themes, the authors describe both approaches that have worked well and areas where we have collectively fallen short.

Natural capital
Chris Drake and Hannah Simmons, Kent County Council, and Kathi Bauer,
South East Rivers Trust.
Page 161

Conserving special places
Sue Beale, Natural England, and Lawrence Ball, Kent Wildlife Trust.
Page 167

Restoring landscapes
Chloe Edwards, Kent Wildlife Trust
Page 173

Conserving nature in an urban landscape
Richard Bloor, Maureen Rainey and Bethany Pateman,
Kent Wildlife Trust.
Page 177

Conserving nature in a
changing climate
Lucy Breeze, Kent County Council
Page 181

Species conservation
Kirsty Swinnerton and Stan Smith,
Kent Wildlife Trust
Page 185

Marine conservation
Chris Drake, Kent County Council
Page 191

Environmental policy
Julia Hunt, Kent Wildlife Trust
Page 197

People engagement
Keeley Atkinson, Amy Fitzmaurice and Lee Mason-Baldwin, Kent Wildlife Trust
Page 201

Challenges, risks, opportunities and resources for conservation
Paul Hadaway, Kent Wildlife Trust
Page 209